Monday, November 15, 2010

Enjoy your Holidays and Enjoy your Health

Enjoy Your Holidays, Enjoy Your Health!

Holidays are around the corner -as noted by the holly already hanging from every store shelf.  This is the time of year that families get together to enjoy each other’s company as well as to enjoy festive meals.  This is also the time of year that has people most worried about how to maintain their health.  How does one avoid cookie weight gain?  How can one say “No” to Aunt Bessie’s special pumpkin pie?  How to avoid another round of drinks at the Holiday Party?  Must one stay home and avoid all social fun just to stay healthy during this time?  Absolutely not!  It is important to take part in the holidays and spend special time with friends, family and co-workers alike.  Food is and has always been an important part of our celebrations, but this does not have to derail all of the healthy choices one has already made.  Here are some simple things to keep in mind as you go a wassailing.

  1. Maintain your fitness regimen.  If you stick to your workouts you will be more motivated to choose healthy foods no matter where you are.  It will not only help to burn additional calories but will also make you feel good about yourself.
  2. Arrive at a party ready to eat but NOT famished.  Eat a small, healthy snack before you leave your house so you can make good choices.  
  3. Choose appetizers with vegetables.
  4. Drink plenty of water.  Choose how many alcoholic drinks you prefer to have throughout the week and stick to your numbers -even at a party.
  5. Bring a healthy dish to pass if you are worried none will be provided- or offer to host the meal.
  6. Fill your dinner plate with vegetable sides and some protein.  Choose only the carbohydrate based foods that are seasonal and special. (For example, if you eat mashed potatoes often but stuffing only on Thanksgiving, choose only the stuffing and enjoy it.)
  7. Get up and walk around.  Help serve food, ask if you can help the hosts clean, get busy and moving.  
  8. Gather a group for a post-dinner walk.  This allows you to continue your conversations and enjoy your time together.
  9. Join seasonal 5K runs with friends
  10. Build a leaf pile, a snow fort…get outside!

Look forward to the holidays and parties and enjoy the time with your loved ones.  You can make healthy choices, enjoy your health and love the holidays!